Project Name | Chestermere Substation Construction
Owner | AltaLink
Client’s Name | AltaLink
Location | Chestermere Lake, AB
Date / Project Timeline / Delivery | October 2017 to September 2018, completed on time and on budget. The project took a total of 10 months to complete, as there was a project lull over the winter months.
Market Sector | Utilities
This was a full EPC greenfield substation project located on the south side of Chestermere Lake. The goal was to bolster the reliability of the Fortis 25 KV distribution system in the greater Chestermere area. It was ICONIC’s first EPC turnkey project.
Because our work was going on at the same time as adjacent land and road development projects, coordinating site boundaries with the town of Chestermere was a challenge. The area adjacent to the project site was deemed a wetland. Extensive premobilization documentation and permitting was required to ensure the project started on schedule.
This scope of work included all the engineering, the civil pad development and installation of three 138 kV breakers and two 138/25 kV transformers along with a couple ABB Modular substation on skids.
As ICONIC’s first foray into EPC, this project opened our eyes to the need for disciplined processes and strategies to manage essential project details. It led us to create a dedicated internal procurement team, and to devise step-by-step processes for reviewing and vetting engineering submittals prior to client submission. While standard procedure today, this was new to us at the time.
We are pleased to report our first EPC project was a success. Our team demonstrated the advantage of being able to draw on our extensive crew to meet ISD dates, and the importance of strong contractor relationships. Today, EPC work is second-nature to us.